
Pictures (r1) #

Board #

Detail pictures see iFixit Teardown

Parts #

Processor TI CC3200 #

Technical Information Cortex-M4 arm7e-m thumb

I suggest to get a CC3200 Launchpad for first contact.

Various useful pins (SOP2, TCK, TMS, GND, RST, GND, RX0, TX0) are available through the onboard debug pins.

Flash 4MB ISSI IS25LQ032B #

Firmware is stored in a TI propiertery FatFS but can easily be read over the RX/TX lines of the mainboard when the CC3200 is in flash-mode.

Audio DAC TI TLV320DAC3100 #

I2C address should be 0x18.

RFID Reader TI TRF7962A #

Reading MiFare Classic is not possible without using the chips direct mode which means more work. 1.2 http://www.ti.com/lit/an/sloa248b/sloa248b.pdf http://www.ti.com/tool/TRF796X_TRF7970X_MIFARE_12_2013

Firmware TRF7970ABP: http://www.ti.com/lit/zip/sloc297 Example Salae Logic SPI http://www.ti.com/lit/zip/sloc240

Acceleration Sensor NXP MMA8451Q #

Arduino Library exists. I2C address is 0x1D


Green PIN 21 (SOP2) #

Red PIN 19 (TCK) #

Blue PIN 17 (TDO) #