tonies.custom.json #
TeddyCloud uses the tonies-custom-json file to read the metadata of custom tags in the same manner it’s done for the official boxine tonies in the tonies-json file. The structure is the same, but it’s not overwritten as the tonies-json file through regularly updates. So you can use the tonies-custom-json to save metadata of your own custom tags.
Initially the tonies-custom-json file looks like the following:
In the gui, a custom tag looks initially like:
old gui
new /web gui
Enriched with metadata for the above shown custom tag the tonies-custom-json file looks like this (more details see below in section Specification):
[{"no": "0", "model": "123456", "audio_id": ["369519776"], "hash": ["af9e61a9c1b12138fb060908d595742334b04515"], "title": "Custom Tonie Example Title", "series": "Custom Tonies", "episodes": "This is my custom tonie", "tracks": ["Title 1", "Title 2", "Title 3", "Title 4", "Title 5", "Title 6", "Title 7", "Title 8", "Title 9", "Title 10"], "release": "0", "language": "de-de", "category": "custom", "pic": ""}]
This results after restart of TeddyCloud in the following changed appearance in the GUIs:
old gui
new /web gui
Specification #
The tonies-custom-json file uses the JSON Array Structure. It contains zero, one, or more ordered elements, separated by a comma. The JSON array is surrounded by square brackets [ ].
Each element consists of a JSON object with the following keys:
Option | Example value | Description |
no | "0" | Number of custom tag |
model | "" | A model number of the custom tag, can be left empty |
audio_id | ["369519776"] | Enter the custom audio ID of the custom tag. Can be found in the old GUI as shown below |
hash | ["af9e61a9c1b12138fb060908d595742334b04515"] | Enter the hash of the custom tag. Can be found in the old GUI as shown below |
title | "Custom Tonie Example Title" | Enter the title of the custom tag, it’s currently not displayed, use the series and episode tag to give your custom tag a title which is shown in the GUI |
series | "Custom Tonie" | Enter the Series of the custom tag, will be shown in the GUI |
episodes | "This is my custom tonie" | Enter the Episode of the custom tag, will be shown in the GUI |
tracks | ["Title 1", "Title 2"] | Enter the tracks of the custom tag, will be shown in the new GUI only |
release | "0" | currently unused |
language | "de-de" | language code, currently unused |
category | "custom" | category of the custom tag, currently unused |
pic | "" | url of the picture which shall be shown as custom tag image in the GUI |