Dump certificates

Dump Certificates #

Generate certificates #

On first run teddyCloud will generate the CA and certificates with the starting date 2015-11-03. Those will be placed in /certs/server/. This also generates the replacement CA for the toniebox certs/server/ca.der.

Dump certificates of your toniebox #

You’ll need the flash:/cert/ca.der (Boxine CA), flash:/cert/client.der (Client Cert) and flash:/cert/private.der (Client private key). Place those files under /certs/client/*. You can either power the box with the battery (be sure it is not empty) or with the power supply. (recommended)

Keep a backup of the certificates, especially the client.der and private.der. Without it you won’t be able to connect to the cloud anymore!

Device specific #

To be able to dump the certificates, you need to open the toniebox. Instructions for that can be found on iFixit. As the dumping process is different for each type of box, continue with the device specific step for your device: